Market Minute Weekend Spotlight: Morning Movers Debuts Tuesday 8AM ET!
Analysts say this year will be a stock pickers’ year. I want to know if they will be right. It’s a theme I will explore on Morning Movers, a new show we are debuting on Schwab Network. There have been back-to-back gains in the S&P 500 of more than 20% for the past two years, and it’s already been a bumpy start to the year as investors try to read the tea leaves of 2025. What better way to equip you than a new show that sets the table for your trading day?
Will it be about A.I. and the mega-cap tech stocks? Will Nvidia (NVDA) maintain the A.I. crown or can AMD (AMD) catch up at all? And what about Apple (AAPL)? It’s lost some market share in China, but will that matter under a new U.S. presidential administration? I’ll ask the tough questions, and we’ll break economic data. Join me from 8AM – 9AM ET every weekday as we get expert takes on macro matters, technical insights, and trading strategies for your portfolio.
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